Introduction to Western Philosophy: An Anthology (2nd Ed.) ( complete PDF )
Chapter 1: Introduction - What is Philosophy?
- Introduction - Philosophy as an academic discipline (1 - 4)
- Plato - Philosophy vs. Sophistry (excerpt from The Apology of Sokrates 5 - 22)
- John Locke - The Role of Truth in Philosophy (The Problem of Enthusiasm 23 -29)
- Bertrand Russel on The Value of Philosophy in a Scientific Age (The Value of Philosophy 30 - 33)
Chapter 2: Epistemology - What does it mean to have knowledge?
- Introduction to Epistemology (34 - 37)
- Plato - (excerpt from Republic 38 - 50)
- Plato - (excerpt from Meno 51 - 71)
- Rene Descartes - (excerpt from Meditations on First Philosophy 72 - 91)
- John Locke - (excerpt from An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 92 - 104)
- David Hume - (excerpt from An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 105 - 115)
Chapter 3: Metaphysics - What is really real?
- Introduction to Metaphysics (116 - 118)
- St. Anselm of Canterbury - An Ontological Argument (excerpt from The Proslogium 119 - 127)
- St. Thomas of Aquinas - A Cosmological Argument (excerpt from Summa Theologica 128 - 131)
- William Paley - A Teleological Argument (excerpt from Natural Theology 132 - 134)
- David Hume - Problems with Teleological Arguments (excerpt from Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion 135 - 143)
Chapter 4: Ethics - How should we live?
- Introduction to Ethical Theory (144 - 146)
- Aristotle on Virtue Morality (excerpt from Nicomachean Ethics 147 - 158)
- Thomas Hobbes on Egoism (excerpt from Leviathan 159 - 171)
- Jeremy Bentham on Utilitarianism (excerpt from An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation 172 - 176)
- John Stuart Mill on Utilitarian Morality (excerpt from Utilitarianism 177 - 189)
- Immanuel Kant on Deontological Morality (excerpt from Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals 190 - 202)
- Friedrich Nietzsche on the Concept of Goodness (excerpt from Genealogy of Morals 203 - 214)
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