Introduction to Logic


Analysis of arguments in The Krito

  1. Download the Krito and read carefully.
  2. Review the grading rubric to help avoid simple errors that will cost you points.

  3. In your paper, first summarize Krito's argument for why Sokrates should escape from prison. Identify his thesis, the support (premises) he gives for his thesis, and the conclusion of his argument. Put the argument into standard form.
  4. Analyze Krito’s argument (is it deductive/inductive, etc.)

    Second, identify Sokrates response to Krito’s argument

    Third, summarize Sokrates' argument for why he should not escape from prison. Identify his thesis, the support (premises) he gives for his thesis, and the conclusion of his argument. Put the argument into standard form.

  5. Identify any informal fallacies.
  6. Evaluate the arguments as either strong/cogent or valid/sound. Explain why you think the arguments work or not in light of your logical analysis.
  7. Contrast Sokrates' and Krito's arguments and discuss which is better and explain why.
  8. In your concluding paragraph discuss how the arguments might be improved, if you think they could be.

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