The Peloponnesian War:

  1. The Causes of War:

    1. Xerxes' Assassination (Artaxerxes succession 465 BCE)

    2. Expansion of the Athenian Empire (Perikles - 466-429 BCE)

      1. Peace of Calias 448 (end of the Persian Wars)

      2. Rise of the lower class - trireme versus hoplite

      3. The Delian League

      4. Fortification of Athens - the "Long Walls"

    3. Athenian Aggression in the East and West

      1. The Corcyrian Revolt Against Corinth - 433

      2. The Magarian Decree - 432

      3. The Potidaea Ultimatum - 432

    4. The Peloponnesian League Declares War on Athens (432 BCE)

  2. The First Phase of the War: (431-421 BCE) - Athenian Supremacy

    1. The Strategies of Stalemate -

      1. The Athenian Blockade

      2. The Spartan Invasion of Attica

    2. The Plague - 430 (Perikles dies in 429)

    3. The Victory at Pylus (Cleon and Demosthenes)

    4. The Ascendancy of the Demagogues

    5. The Peace of Nicias 422

  3. The Second Phase of the War: (421-404BCE) - Spartan Supremacy

    1. The Fighting Renews -

      1. The Alliance with Argos

      2. Spartan Victory at Tegea - 418

      3. The Destruction of Melos - 416

    2. The Invasion of Sicily - 415

    3. Oligarcy in Athens

    4. Democracy Restored - 410 (the Rehabilitation of Alcibides)

  4. The Collapse of Athens:

    1. Lysander defeats Antiochus at Ephesus - 406

    2. The "Victory" of Arginusae (execution of the generals)

    3. The Defeat at Aegospotami (final defeat of the Athenian Navy)

    4. Lysander Destroys the Long Walls - 404

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