What I Do

I am a philosopher.
Now most people really have no idea what that means. If you are interested in what Philosophy is, I have provided an overview of Philosophy on this page. (I should note that this is my view of what Philosophy is, but since I am NOT a Relativist, I can say with confidence that it should be your view as well!) OK, so I'm a philosopher; what do I DO? The short answer to that is, I teach others about Philosophy (and occasionally, when I'm very lucky, help them learn how to DO Philosophy).

I have been fortunate enough to teach at several different institutions which has afforded me the opportunity to work with many different kinds of students. But the most difficult aspects of teaching is designing a course; this requires far more preperation than most people think. I have found it useful to look at the syllabi others have used to get ideas. Thus, I include syllabi of courses I teach on the "Courses" pages. Feel free to have a look if you are interested, and if you have any comments or questions send me a note. If you are interested in knowing more about my academic life check out my interactiveVitae Barry F. Vaughan at Canyon Lake

I am also the director of MCC's Study Abroad Ireland program; a four-week program located in the Irish Midlands. Check out the SAI website for more information.

Barry F. Vaughan at Athlone Castle In my spare time I enjoy fencing epee, jet and snow skiing, gardening, throwing darts and drinking good whiskey (single malt Irish or Scotch whiskey).

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