Introduction to Logic


Analysis of an argument from The Apology - "My Demon Was Silent"

  1. Download the section from Plato’s Apology of Sokrates and read carefully.
  2. Review the “Notes on Style and Content for Micro-Essays” in your syllabus.

  3. Review the grading rubric to help avoid simple errors that will cost you points.

  4. In your paper, summarize Sokrates’ argument concerning the nature of death in your own words. Identify his thesis (the conclusion of his argument), and the support (i.e., premises) he gives for his thesis.

  5. Put the argument into standard form (separate the premises and conclusion(s) from each other and put in enumerated block paragraph format).
  6. Determine whether the argument is Deductive or Inductive (explaining why).

  7. Evaluate the argument as either strong/cogent or valid/sound. Explain why you think the argument works or does not work in light of the logical rules you have learned so far.

  8. Explain why you think the argument could, or could not, be strengthened in your concluding paragraph.
  9. Before you turn in your final draft, be sure to review the “checklist” in your syllabus to make sure you’re not leaving anything out of your essay.

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