Class Notes Index:
Unit One - Introduction to Arguments
General Overview of Philosophy
What is Philosophy?
General Overview of Logic
What is Logic?
Listen to the
What is Logic?
“In Our Time,” BBC Podcast)
Introduction to Arguments
What is an Argument? - part 1
What is an Argument? - part 2
Evaluation of Induction and Deduction
Evaluating Induction and Deduction)
Unit Two - Categorical Propositions and Immediate Inference
Categorical Propositions
(slide show PDF)
Categorical Propositions
Venn Diagrams
(slide show PDF)
Diagrams for A, E, I, and O
The Square of Opposition and Immediate Inference
(slide show PDF)
Square of Opposition
Simple Aristotelian Deduction
Translating Ordinary Statements into Categorical Form
(slide show PDF)
Translating Ordinary Statements into Categorical Form
Unit Three - Categorical Syllogisms
Categorical Syllogisms
(slide show PDF)
Terms and Premises
Figure and Mood
Validity and Venn Diagrams for Syllogisms
Venn Diagram Categorical Syllogism
Unit Four - Introduction to Propositional Logic
Symbolization for Natural Language Propositions
Symbolizing Natural Language Propositions
Truth Tables
Truth Tables for logical operators
Truth Tables for propositions
Truth Tables for arguments
Unit Five - Natural Deduction in Propositional Logic
Rules of Implication (
common valid argument forms
Rules of Implication
(part 1)
Rules of Implication
(part 2)
Rules of Replacement (
equivalent propositional forms
Replacement Rules
(part 1)
Replacement Rules
(part 2)
Unit Six - Introduction to Induction
Language and Meaning in Informal Logic
The Role of Definition in Informal Logic
Analogical Arguments
Induction and Scientific Reasoning
Informal Fallacies
Overview of Informal Fallacies
Fallacies of Relevance
Fallacies of Sufficiency
Fallacies of Presumption and Ambiguity
Writing Assignments:
- "My Demon Was Silent"
- "Death is One of Two Things"
How to Write a Philosophical Essay
A rediculously brief overview
Sample Paper
(feel free to use this paper as a guide to writing your own paper)
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